32 research outputs found


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    Economic and social development is accompanied by a series of conceptions that sustains all the fields of activity. Like the human society the economic activities are subject to changes, based on theories that argue the role, the importance and the place occupied by various factors of development. We appreciate that overcoming the actual economic situation in Romania depends on the perspectives of human factor, essential subject of changing mentalities that tie us to the past.human resources management, knowledge economy


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    Taking into consideration the current conditions, in which "information is often assimilated with power" the major interest for most organizations stands in collecting the necessary knowledge at a high qualitative level and using it with maximum efficiency, through its materialization into adequate managerial conducts, actions and decisions. Together with the assurance of the material, human resources, both international and financial, the performing organizations are more and more preoccupied by the production, transmitting, usage, depositing and protection of knowledge, especially of the strategic ones, essential for the companies' development. The information became more and more a resource, a major asset, a main product and at the same time a strategic advantage for organizations, fact that has a significant influence over the content and the way of manifestation of the management, imposing with acuteness the promotion of the management based on knowledge.management based on knowledge, information, culture of knowledge, a learning organization

    ActiveX - an internet strategy for applications development

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    ActiveX is a set of technologies that has the potential to change the way information is accessed and used on the Internet; allows software components to interact with one another in a networked environment, regardless of the language in which the components were created. Powerful abstractions based on OLE have been developed to enable fast, scaleable integration of your objects within the Internet. Microsoft is making a major effort to make the Internet everything it can possibly be. By using ActiveX, developers can make the best use of their system resources while providing instant, dynamic content and functionality in their Internet applications. How information is presented greatly affects how interesting and usable people find it.Internet, ActiveX, OLE, COM

    Designing a Virtual Center for E-Commerce

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    In the actual context of developing digital services, the promotion of a system that manages multiple e-commerce sites can be extremely valuable in increasing the economic effects for the companies. This paper presents the current stage of the experimental system design and implementation, an open system website-based (called Single Way for E-Commerce - SWEC) having the goal to collaborate with many database servers of the companies that offer e-commerce sevices and also to interract with electronic payment and e-administration systems. This new approach allows the clients, after them authentication, to navigate on e-commerce websites and search different products, grouping on domains, companies and geographic areas. SWEC System will offer to the customer the opportunity to visualize and compare similar products, to order and receive a single invoice for all the products he wants to buy.E-Commerce, Database-driven site, Open system, Server Side Programming

    Designing a Virtual Center for E-Commerce

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    In the actual context of developing digital services, the promotion of a system that manages multiple e-commerce sites can be extremely valuable in increasing the economic effects for the companies. This paper presents the current stage of the experimental system design and implementation, an open system website-based (called Single Way for E-Commerce - SWEC) having the goal to collaborate with many database servers of the companies that offer e-commerce sevices and also to interract with electronic payment and e-administration systems. This new approach allows the clients, after them authentication, to navigate on e-commerce websites and search different products, grouping on domains, companies and geographic areas. SWEC System will offer to the customer the opportunity to visualize and compare similar products, to order and receive a single invoice for all the products he wants to buy.E-Commerce, Database-driven site, Open system, Server Side Programming

    Virtualization: an old concept in a new approach

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    Virtualization technology is transforming today’s IT community, offering new possi-bilities to improve the performance and efficiency of IT infrastructure by a dynamic mapping of the PC resources, enabling to run multiple applications and operating systems on a single physical system. Virtualization also offers high availability and error recovery solutions by encapsulating entire systems into single files that can be replicated and restored on any desti-nation machine. This paper brings new elements related to the concept of virtualization, presenting the princi-ples, the new architectures and the advantages of the virtualization. We make also a brief comparison between the PC’s functional structure before and after the virtualization. Finally, we present licensed software to create and run multiple virtual machines on a personal com-puter

    Building Successful Information Systems – a Key for Successful Organization

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    An Information System (IS) can have a major impact on corporate strategy and organizational success. The involvement of managers and decision makers in all aspects of information systems is a major factor for organizational success, including higher profits and lower costs. Some of the benefits business organization seek to achieve through information systems include: better safety, competitive advantage, fewer errors, greater accuracy, higher quality products, improved communications, increased efficiency and productivity, more efficient administration, superior financial and managerial decision making.information system, management, software, organization

    Nervous system involvement in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a pathology that leads to functional impairment with functional deficits, affects the patient's normal activity and reduces its productivity. From an economic and social point of view, it has a negative impact on both his family and society, greatly reducing the quality of life of the patient. According to the WHO data, RA prevalence in the general population is 0.6 - 1.3% and annual incidence - 0.02%. RA is an inflammatory, autoimmune disease of unknown etiology, which has a chronic and progressive evolution, affects the joints by symmetrical erosive arthritis and can be associated with extraarticular and systemic manifestations

    ActiveX - an internet strategy for applications development

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    ActiveX is a set of technologies that has the potential to change the way information is accessed and used on the Internet; allows software components to interact with one another in a networked environment, regardless of the language in which the components were created. Powerful abstractions based on OLE have been developed to enable fast, scaleable integration of your objects within the Internet. Microsoft is making a major effort to make the Internet everything it can possibly be. By using ActiveX, developers can make the best use of their system resources while providing instant, dynamic content and functionality in their Internet applications. How information is presented greatly affects how interesting and usable people find it

    Designing a Virtual Center for E-Commerce

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    In the actual context of developing digital services, the promotion of a system that manages multiple e-commerce sites can be extremely valuable in increasing the economic effects for the companies. This paper presents the current stage of the experimental system design and implementation, an open system website-based (called Single Way for E-Commerce - SWEC) having the goal to collaborate with many database servers of the companies that offer e-commerce sevices and also to interract with electronic payment and e-administration systems. This new approach allows the clients, after them authentication, to navigate on e-commerce websites and search different products, grouping on domains, companies and geographic areas. SWEC System will offer to the customer the opportunity to visualize and compare similar products, to order and receive a single invoice for all the products he wants to buy